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(0)By : Zanib Mian
30 Hadith For Kids
A unique selection of 30 hadith, with explanations written in language which is child-friendly and relatable to young minds. Scholar approved. All hadith are sahih.
(0)By : Is'Haaq Jasat
365 Tips To Help You Connect With The Qur’an
The aim of this book is to assist readers towards transforming their relationship and bond with the Qur’an. Reciting and memorising the Qur’an is not the same as truly understanding, reflecting, and connecting with the words of Allah.
(0)By : Is'Haaq Jasat
365 Tips To Help You Memorise The Qur’an
The aim of this book is to support and motivate anyone who wishes to either memorise or retain their memory of the Qur’an. Whether you are a Hifdh student or have already become a Hafidh/Hafidhah, this book will InshaAllah guide and support you in your Hifdh journey. The concept of the 365 tips is quite simple; one motivational tip for each day of the year!
40 Hadith From Sahih Muslim
This book is a selection of forty beautiful Hadith from Sahih Muslim. The goal is to select Hadith with the view to build character, promote spirituality, morals, manners and ethics.
(0)By : Towards Faith
99 Names of Allah – Desk Display Cards
Crafted to assist you in memorizing and internalizing Allah’s names in a meaningful manner applicable to daily life.
(0)By : Towards Faith
99 Names Of Allah Guided Journal
The 99 names of Allah guided journal is a combination memorisation tracker, and reflective journal that gives you a clear path to finally getting to know who Allah is.
(0)By : Sami Khan
A Muslim Boy’s Guide To Life’s Big Changes
This book advices on life in general from Islam, friends, school and home life through to the physical changes a boy will experience from the age of 11 onwards.
(0)By : Rayhana Khan
A Muslim Girl’s Guide To Life’s Big Changes
This book explains all, choosing the right friendship group, advice about school life and social life, to the physical changes you will experience from the age of 9 onwards
(0)By : Aliya Vaughan
A Race To Prayer
Nothing is going right for Sulaiman. He just wants to have fun but something always stops him. Sulaiman soon realises the blessings of a perfectly-timed prayer.
(0)By : Peacock Supplies
Acrylic Candle Plaque Display – Celebration Bundle
Add a glow to your home with our Acrylic Candle Plaque Display Celebration bundle includes 1 base and 2 plaques for: – Ramadan Kareem – Eid Mubarak Size: 25x20cm Tea light candles not included.
(0)By : Zanib Mian
Adam In Lost And Found
Adam learns the concept of amaanah – returning and safe guarding what is not yours. Doing the right thing and looking out for others’ feelings.
Allah Is So Kind To Me
Get to know Allah by celebrating His kindness in your life. Cute and colourful illustrations featuring boys and girls from different cultures all enjoying Allah’s kindness.
(0)By : S. N. Jalali
An Andalus Adventure
A Young Adult historical fiction inspired by the real life events of Tariq Ibn Ziyad and the story of the birth of Muslim Spain.
(0)By : Omar Suleiman
Angels In Your Prescence
This book, will explore the actions that invite these blessed unseen beings to pray upon you, and carry your name and mention to the One who created us all.
(0)By : Sarah Gulfraz
Animals In The Quran Sound Book
A perfect sensory and early learning gift for infants. Hardback book containing 4 pages, including 8 sounds of different animals. 27cm x 22cm in size.
(0)By : Peacock Supplies
Aqsa Mosque Play Tent
Bring the spiritual yet playful joy of the Aqsa Mosque into your homes, with this beautiful play tent. A perfect combination of pray and play for the kids!