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(0)By : Dr Wendy Booth
Train To Al-Aqsa: An Educational Journey
Hamzah and Maryam ride the historic Hejaz Railway to Palestine, exploring the significance of Al-Aqsa Mosque in an engaging, child-friendly narrative.
(0)By : Rayhana Khan
A Muslim Girl’s Guide To Life’s Big Changes
This book explains all, choosing the right friendship group, advice about school life and social life, to the physical changes you will experience from the age of 9 onwards
(0)By : Zanib Mian
Eliyas Explains: Bad Things
Eliyas explains why bad things are allowed to happen, including explanations of Qadr, free will, and the benefits of trials, then leads journalers through a series of thought-provoking prompts, engaging children in reflective acts to further enhance their ability to grasp these concepts and explain more along the way!
(0)By : Sami Khan
A Muslim Boy’s Guide To Life’s Big Changes
This book advices on life in general from Islam, friends, school and home life through to the physical changes a boy will experience from the age of 11 onwards.
(0)By : Aliya Vaughan
Wrestling Against Anger
Sulaiman learns the true essence of what it means to be strong and, by overcoming his anger, he is able to forge a friendship with his neighbour.
(0)By : Aliya Vaughan
A Race To Prayer
Nothing is going right for Sulaiman. He just wants to have fun but something always stops him. Sulaiman soon realises the blessings of a perfectly-timed prayer.
(0)By : Sarah Gulfraz
Animals In The Quran Sound Book
A perfect sensory and early learning gift for infants. Hardback book containing 4 pages, including 8 sounds of different animals. 27cm x 22cm in size.
(0)By : Zanib Mian
Madrassah Mysteries The Case Of The Great Gerbil Escape
Dive into an exciting and mysterious adventure full of comical characters, suspicious madrassah students and incredible investigations.
(0)By : S. N. Jalali
An Andalus Adventure
A Young Adult historical fiction inspired by the real life events of Tariq Ibn Ziyad and the story of the birth of Muslim Spain.
(0)By : Rabia Bashir
Imagine Me In Jannah
An award-winning imaginative rhyming book to encourage children to visualise themselves in Jannah! Includes an activity section.
(0)By : Aliya Vaughan
Turning Back To Allah
Learning the importance of sincere du’a and reliance on Allah by turning back to Him at all times and asking for help and forgiveness.
(0)By : Zanib Mian
Eliyas Explains: Miracles
I’m Eliyas. I’m really good at explaining things my adults told me about, which is handy for you if you’re curious about miracles.’
(0)By : Zanib Mian
Eliyas Explains: Angels
I’m Eliyas. I’m really good at explaining things my adults told me about, which is handy for you if you’re curious about Angels.’
(0)By : Rabia Bashir
What If Dinosaurs Were Muslims?
A rhyming book that highlights how Muslims and non-Muslims have many things in common. Includes an activity section.
(0)By : Peacock Supplies
Halal Lantern Sweet Jar
Luxurious lantern sweet jars, perfect for any occasion or as a gift!
330ml capacity
(0)By : Aliya Vaughan
Learning To Deal With Loss
Join Sulaiman as he learns about how life changes over time and how to deal with loss as a Muslim.